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Apps For Finding Free Wi-Fi Android

4 Android Apps For Finding Free Wi-Fi
The arrival of summer, with its long days and sweltering temperatures, makes us want to strip off and get outside. Luckily, having internet access isn’t dependent on where we are. Thanks to our smartphones and the 3G/4G networks available, we can now check our emails, get WhatsApp notifications, and surf the net wherever we are.

On the downside, our mobile tariffs usually limit our data usage. If we exceed that limit, we’re either charged per additional megabyte used (probably something extortionate), or our browsing speed is reduced to a frustratingly slow crawl.

If you want to get to the end of the month without going over your data limit, you should follow our practical advice, and give these Android apps a try too. These little beauties will help you find and connect to any free Wi-Fi hotspot, public or private, in your area.

  1. التدوينة التالية
  2. التدوينة السابقة
    تعليقات الموقع
    تعليقات فيسبوك
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